OptiHealth UK

The Consultation

Food Sensitivity Testing & Nutritional Advice

What does a consultation involve

Every consultation involves a detailed look at all aspects of your health in a holistic way.

All your symptoms be they physical, mental or emotional will be considered.

Once your appointment is confirmed, you will be asked to complete a Health Questionnaire detailing your present symptoms, past health history and current diet.

You will need to return this to your OptiHealth UK practitioner ideally prior to attending your consultation.

Step 1

Your completed Health Questionaire will be discussed to gain a clear understanding of your past and current health issues

Step 2

You will be asked to hold two brass hand masses whilst a series of tests are run in order to get a detailed look at all aspects of your energetic health. During the testing you are able to sit back, relax and discuss immediate results as they arise in response to your testing.

Step 3

Following your consultation we will send you a full report which will include a copy of your test results along with supporting information sheets and an eight week recommendation plan.A personalised homeopathic remedy will be posted directly to you for immediate use.