Optihealth UK -Food Sensitivity testing and Nutritional Advice

OptiHealth UK has been providing Food Sensitivity testing and Nutritional advice since 2008. With clinics located in Camberley, Alton, Theale, Hayes/Middlesex, and London, we use the latest digital technology to offer our services.

Our QEST 4 testing system is one of the most advanced bioresonance health screening systems in the world, thanks to decades of continuous improvements.

We can help you identify your Food Sensitivities which can lead to many health issues including:

First step towards reducing symptoms

Symptoms caused by food sensitivities are often ignored by many people as they do not manifest immediately. However, certain types of food can be challenging for the digestive system to process, leading to a gradual buildup of unpleasant symptoms.

To help alleviate these symptoms, the first step is to identify the specific food that your digestive system is struggling to process and eliminate or reduce it from your diet, often for a temporary period.

Qualified & Experienced

OptiHealth UK Practitioners have provided food sensitivity testing and nutritional advice since 2008 and are passionate about helping people improve their health and wellbeing through providing a personalised set of recommendations to follow.

Our experienced practitioners are registered with the Complementary Therapists Association (CThA) and the Federation of Holistic Therapists (FHT) and hold Diplomas in Anatomy, Physiology and Nutritional Advice.

Optihealth UK clinics in Alton, Camberley and Theale also offer food intolerance testing via blood samples as part of our Nutritional therapy service, registered and regulated by the British Association for Nutrition and Lifestyle Medicine (BANT) and the Complementary and Natural Healthcare Council (CNHC)

Client Testimonials

I went to see Cathy in October 2018 after almost a year out of work, as a result of burn out and numerous symptoms which developed. I have suffered with digestive issues most of my life and was diagnosed with Ulcerative Colitis 5 years ago. Since my burn out, my Colitis flared tremendously and a mixture of other symptoms came out - vertigo, nausea, vomiting, fainting, erratic heart beats, chronic fatigue, raynuards, migraines, back pains, glandular issues, anxiety and others.I was recommended Cathy by a friend and it was the best move I ever made! I was not sure what to expect, as I had already seen countless doctors and specialists regarding my health issues, and I was not finding any luck in finding a helpful solution. Doctors eventually turned around and stated that I would soon have to accept this is my new way of life (effectively unable to get about or be independent by any means, let alone return to work)! But I knew deep down this would not be so - I was determined to get my life back and be active again soon! After just 2 months I am feeling back to my old self and looking for a job again, as I now have the strength in order to function throughout the day.I finally know what foods were hindering my recovery and causing me to be sick. My symptoms have reduced significantly - Colitis has dramatically calmed, nausea and vomiting has disappeared, no dizziness or vertigo, no fainting, and generally I have more energy. After taking the recommended supplements and amending my diet, I feel almost 100% better. It was the best move I have ever made and money well spent. Cathy has been a great help and I know I would not have made this progress if it was not for her help. Thank you for giving me my life back!
Customer Review
If anyone is thinking about taking the test and you are in the west London area. Go and see Rosanna Francis. She is a lovely person and delivers all of the info you require in a calm but efficient manor. I can honestly say it was a great experience and I got a lot of info about what we eat and how the body breaks it down.I got a .11 consultation and the email correspondence has been first class. I cant recommend taking the test enough. Ben. 33 West London
Ben Fitzgerald
Customer Review
After years of unexplained weight gain, a face rash that wouldn't clear up and digestive problems I went to Optihealth after I started really swelling up at times. Within two days of cutting out the foods I tested as allergic to the rash had gone, and the digestive trouble and swelling stopped.The weight has also fallen off - in the 6.5 months since I was tested I've dropped from a size 18 to size 12. Anyone wondering whether or not to go to optihealth - go!You won't regret it, it's made a massive difference to my health and I really can't recommend it enough.
Customer Review

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